The Birmingham Proof House

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Force5 Carriers have recently undertaken an assignment to transport a large number of items to this iconic venue, the Birmingham Proof House. The purpose of which, was for them to be submitted for proof testing. For those not familiar with what “proof testing” is:

Every new shotgun or small arm has to be submitted for testing to ensure that it is safe in the hands of the user. This involves firing a substantially heavier load through the gun than would normally be used. This subjects the barrel to pressure in excess of that produced by standard loads and is intended to disclose any weaknesses that may exist. The gun is meticulously examined after this procedure and if no faults are apparent it will have been deemed to have passed proof and will be stamped with the appropriate proof mark. The ultimate goal is to identify any weakness prior to the gun being used in the field or in a military environment. Some countries e.g. America does not have laws relating to proof testing and therefore if they enter the UK for sale it is compulsory that they are submitted for proof testing. The UK has two Proof Houses, the second of which is located in London.

For more information on this subject please see: